08 August 2008

military pornography

This is a mini rant. Actually 'rant' is not the right word, it's more a sharing of puzzlement.

It starts with a Christian friend building a model of a piece of medieval military technology and my thoughts moved from there to thinking that I was uncomfortable with the subject matter of the model because it was about a piece of technology designed to endanger life and property. I then got to wondering why it was that as Christians we generally think it's okay to have an interest in military history, literature and paraphernalia but would have problems with someone showing similar interest in the history of sexual infidelity, bondage equipment or pornography. And yet the Christian position on warfare is probably just as circumscribed as that on sexuality, perhaps more so: war is either not to be entertained at all, or if it can be then it is only a last resort with heaviness of heart. Given the justification given for engaging in war in the Christian tradition, it is actually pretty hard to justify certain levels of interest in matters military when compared with matters to do with sexual expression.

I suspect that this shows up a degree of acculturation which may not be healthy in western Christians and which makes, by implication, interesting comparison and comment on our attitudes to sexuality. I'm tempted to take the view that I won't accept certain arguments in respect of homosexuality unless the proposer of those arguments makes consistent arguments with regard to war and peace also...

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