11 August 2008

Russian and Georgia -not out of the blue

The following was written on 1 May: "'Russia's end goal now appears to be to force Georgia into armed conflict. It would thus strip it of the opportunity to earn Nato membership, while finally annexing Georgia's territories.'"
Russian moves inflame tensions with Georgia | World news | The Guardian:


dianek said...

Is there only me who thinks this is about the control of oil-petroleum resources? A significant percentage of UK and European oil and gas supplies pass through Georgia. Control Georgia and you control Europe. Have almost finished reading an excellent Kevin Phillips book (American theocracy) which basically outlines the influence the oil-petroleum industry has on American politics and foreign policy (with an interesting take on Dubya's end times theology and how that impacts too) and it is frightening. I don't believe Russia aren't just as concerned about the control of increasingly scarce resources as the USA. If you are a subscriber to Hubbert's Peak Theory (and I am)it is all about oil.

Andii said...

No, I think that geopolitics around peak oil is one of the major driving forces too. I think that the G8 leaders and beyond are only too aware of peak oil and are jockeying for position. I also think that they privately already accept climate change and have done for years. These factors are one of the drivers behind things like ID cards, because they recognise that the social and economic consequences of these changes are going to need 'strong government' because they are cynical about alternative ways of dealing with the issues.

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...