26 October 2008

Olympic mosque could promote uncohesive Islam

Because this is said by Philip Lewis, I'd take it seriously. It's reported here Olympic mosque could create breeding ground for extremists, says senior Anglican - Telegraph: "Dr Philip Lewis, an interfaith adviser to the Bishop of Bradford, said that the plans threaten to establish a ghetto of Muslims taught to embrace jihad. Tablighi Jamaat, the group behind the proposal, are 'isolationist', 'patriarchal' and has a narrow reading of Islam that leaves it vulnerable to extremists, he said. ... 'Tablighi Jamaat does not try to engage with wider society so there must be clear worries that such a mosque would lead to a ghetto,' he said.'The danger is that this becomes a self-contained world, which would be vulnerable to extremists."
Note, however, his careful expression. The organisation is not demonised, but the potential roll-on effects of their approach are warned against. That's important nuancing. Also important is noting the terms in which other Muslims distance themselves from it.

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