16 May 2009

Body is part of the mind: movement changes thought

Add this to the growing evidence that our minds are not hermetically sealed from our somatic presence but rather our bady contributes to our mind and helps to form it. Body Movements Can Influence Problem Solving, Researchers Report: "This emerging research is fascinating because it is demonstrating how your body is a part of your mind in a powerful way. The way you think is affected by your body and, in fact, we can use our bodies to help us think".
This would appear to be the facility that is strong in kinaesthetic learning (and probably shows that it's a spectrum thing rather than +/- thing). Of course it is harmonious with the Christian/Hebrew holistic mind-body thing (and less conducive to neo-Platonic and gnostic world-views). It adds further experimental evidence to the thesis of 'Philosophy in the Flesh' and adds to the problematising of Cartesian dualism. On the other hand, it would seem to encourage the emergent view of mind

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