07 July 2009

Christians at Work, some helps

Hereford Dioceses get a hat tip from me for this: CristiansatWork Here's why the issue is important: "Too often we give the impression that work is part of the ‘secular' world and that the ‘real work', God's work, only gets done in church or through the church in our neighbourhoods. It is a fundamental view of the project that life should not be separated into the ‘sacred' and the ‘secular'; all of life is sacred to God and consequently to ourselves. The ‘Christians at Work' project aims to enable people to be more effective in their place of work and encourage Churches to support them, through prayer, teaching and action."
The hat-tip is because they've made materials freely available. I've yet to go through them. Do let me know with a comment on this post if you've seen them and used them and what you think.
Also worth checking out:
The Christian and Paid Work.
Ministry in Daily Life (ECLA).

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