28 January 2010

France banning niqab: big mistake

I think that we really do have to learn to distinguish hard and soft secularism. The former is probably a threat to civilisation, the latter is messy but probably the best we can do. Here's why hard secularism is self-defeating.
"The worst about all this fuss is that we are completely off target. Women donning the full veil are not against modernity but represent rather its sophisticated product, just like westernised Buddhists. The veil, surprising as this may seem, is good news for modern values. Some smart young women keep a niqab in their bag but only wear it in Paris's Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, in order to draw attention to the fact that they belong to the best Muslim set, that they really have got that Muslim chic, something like the equivalent behaviour in a gay district. This deep western social movement is no threat to modern values, but rather vindicates the latter under unexpected aesthetic guise: it is so individualistic and depoliticised that it is more of a real threat for Islamism and terrorist networks themselves."
-Raphael Liogier.
For the record: I'd rather they didn't wear niqab etc, -sI do find it disconcerting to lose a whole set of social signals (one reason I don't like phoning strangers about delicate matters). But then the reasons given don't really add up unless hoodies are banned and any costumes of a carnivalesque nature are also banned from public places...
France's attack on the veil is a huge blunder | Raphael Liogier | Comment is free | The Guardian:


CeceB said...
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CeceB said...

Great blog – thank you guys for sharing more about the spiritual and current needs of France.

I just wanted to alert your readers to a prayer movement that’s been going on for the past dozen years or so led by the French ministry Objectif France. For the past three years, the campaign Pray for France (in English) has been translating their 21-day prayer guide with current prayer topics for each day. Pray for France allows English speakers to pray alongside their French brothers and sisters during the three weeks before Easter and it’s FREE for those who visit the website www.PrayforFrance.org and register… All the information is on the site…!

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...