09 March 2010

Lest you think that I think it's a bad article:

I agree with the writer here:

"While in certain contexts it might be wise to perform a secret baptism so as to protect the convert, Love seems to go beyond that precautionary attitude and to be willing to subordinate a basic Christian rite and doctrine to Muslim perceptions. He also ignores the context of this special baptism, in which the Pope was responding to complaints by converts from Islam in the West that the Church was ignoring them and their plight and was not willing to offer them protection and refuge."
A robust dialogue with Muslims means that Muslims have to deal with the fact of Muslim-backgrounded people turning to Christ (just as we have to deal with the reverse situation). I don't expect Muslims to change their practices for reception into Islam and I don't expect that they should assume we would change ours. This is part of the point of the statement engineered by Philip Lewis referred to previously, incidently.

in reference to:

- Barnabas Fund - hope and aid for the Persecuted Church | Persecuted Christians : Recent Changes in Christian Approaches to Islam (view on Google Sidewiki)

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