09 March 2010

Ulterior motives?

"To approach the dialogue process without this awareness, as some evangelicals seem to have done, is to run the risk of manipulation by international Islamic interests. We are concerned that some of the Muslim leaders involved in the Common Word project may be manipulating Christian naïveté and feelings of guilt to further the cause of Islamic da‘wa"
- Barnabas Fund - hope and aid for the Persecuted Church | Persecuted Christians : Recent Changes in Christian Approaches to Islam (view on Google Sidewiki)

Given that many Muslims think that this is what western Christians are up to, this smacks of pot calling kettle black. Especially as in some cases it is actually true of some westerners, Evangelicals in particular. It is hard, therefore to be entirely sympathetic with the statement that follows: "To approach the dialogue process... as some evangelicals seem to have done, is to run the risk of manipulation by international Islamic interests. We are concerned that some of the Muslim leaders involved in the Common Word project may be manipulating Christian naïveté and feelings of guilt to further the cause of Islamic da‘wa "

We should recall that part of the mission of Christians is dialogue: it is directly implied by neighbour love, incarnation and the blessing of peacemakers. By all means do it as 'cunning as serpents and innocent as doves', though.

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