08 December 2010

Active role in learning enhances memory

Another case of some research confirming what we already thought we knew, but valuable for that in strengthening the case by those of us wanting to encourage more participatory classrooms.
How taking an active role in learning enhances memory: "'Having active control over a learning situation is very powerful and we're beginning to understand why,' said University of Illinois psychology professor Neal Cohen, who led the study with postdoctoral researcher Joel Voss. 'Whole swaths of the brain not only turn on, but also get functionally connected when you're actively exploring the world.'"

1 comment:

Eric Kyte said...

Recently been to NZ prior to emigrating - found the schools there just light years ahead of the UK in terms of learning styles

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...