30 January 2011

God’s Mission is the Eucharist

I found this quite helpful, though it may be a little more allusive than some would like.The Living Church Foundation | God’s Mission is the Eucharist
Here's the final paragraph: "The Eucharist is realized in, and not imposed on, a place. It happens through mutual offering and not through coercion. Hence, eucharistic missioners look for inviting ways for the people to gather in expectant praise of God, to listen to Scripture, to confess sins, receive forgiveness, share the peace of Christ, offer resources for a common life, feed the hungry, give the homeless and lonely a place to belong, to bring their concerns to God in prayer, and to realize the bonds of communion lying beyond the boundaries of old loyalties, tribes, families, and nations. The Father sent the Son so that we might become the body of Christ. The Eucharist is how this body behaves. God’s mission is the Eucharist."
I think that this fits well with a vision of the Eucharist as enacting an eschatalogical drama in the sense of a gathering of the things of this world so that they may be transfigured; that is, carrying the presence of God-in-Christ-by-the-Spirit whilst remaining truly themselves; being relocated into an new economy of mutuality and glory...

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