03 December 2011

7 step theological reflection

Worth checking out if this article is any indication. Alban - Building Up Congregations and Their Leaders:
Theological reflection is simply wondering about God's activity in our lives. Where is God present? What is God calling us to do? By taking time to ask questions about what happens to us—seeing our experiences through the lens of faith—we become clearer about our connection to God. We all ask questions about relationships, our work, our children, our government, and our situation in life. We all reflect, wonder, analyze, think, assess, and discuss with friends as ways of trying to understand our life. Theological reflection simply refocuses all that thinking to encourage a stronger sense of relationship with God, asking, "Where does God fit into the picture?"
What this process does is elaborate the basic 4 step pastoral cycle model in such a way as to take on board the group context envisaged, it also explicitly encourages the recognition of the affective dimensions of an experience which is remniscent of Killen and De Beer's theologcal reflection process and one of the important contributions that their process adds. It also makes an explicit step of prayer.

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 In a meeting earlier today, I was taking notes and in order to try to express a nuance found myself making a neologism in the phrase, ...