19 December 2012

Amos Yong and the Powers

Very interestingly, Amos Yong pretty much makes the case for seeing the Powers in an emergentist way as I have been advocating. See particularly p.207 where he advoactes two "levels of spiritual realities" (corresponding to what I say in Demolishing Strongholds) and of the corporate level (the other being personal) he says: "corporate spirit-beings constituted initially by corporate realites, but irreducible to them and capable of surving the dissolution of such realities, at least for a period of time."
That latter clause corresponds to what he says about personal spirit-beings, and I can understand why he might want to say that, though I'm wondering how convinced I am by it in relation to corporate spirit-beings. Is there particular reason to want to attribute this to them?

Clearly I will need to check this book out further -shame it's not on Kindle or other e-book format as yet.

The Spirit of Creation: Modern Science and Divine Action in the Pentecostal ... - Amos Yong - Google Books

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