Normally I might blog this on TheGreening but I felt a wider readership should be alerted. I wonder how you react to this quote?
"there's a revolution taking place, one which is powered by (and in turn powers) the efforts of thousands of disparate movements, groups, networks, ideas, and people, all over the world. They are distributed and diverse, not focused on ideology or power; in fact, this is the largest movement in history not seeking power. It is mainstream, but not centralized, so it often seems to operate beneath the media radar. It links social justice and environmentalism, activism and science. And it is changing the world"
Sound nice and idelistic, doesn't it? and my heart warms to it, but is it true? There is certainly much in it that rings true. SOme good quotes in the article too. Like: "Why do you let the Wall Street Journal choose your science? We don't let science magazines choose our stocks."
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