14 December 2004

Submerge the urge [to shop]

As an advocate of selective resistance to consumerism, an article that outlines some important issues in the psychology of shopping seems important to me. As a life coach, an article that helps us to plan our shopping to make the most of it seems like a Godsend. Get this:
"'Shopping momentum arises from this reasonable idea that shopping has an inertial quality, that there is a hurdle to shift from browsing to shopping, which, once crossed, makes further purchases more likely.'"
This makes it possible to come up with counteracting strategies like this: "Fortunately, Dhar and Huber have found a most pleasant way to head off the momentum. Make your first purchase a guilty pleasure, and something akin to remorse takes hold. Your subsequent purchases are restrained, and you emerge from your shopping trip within budget and bounds."
Also look for places where you have to use multiple ocounters to pay rather than a single checkout [like a supermarket]. ""We speculate that multiple checkout counters disrupt the momentum," Dhar says. "If you have to open your wallet and pay again, that can make you stop.""

Santa Pause (washingtonpost.com):

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