08 January 2005

New world currency?

WE need to note that there are at least four kinds of money and one of them are value-neutral; all of them have the effect of priviledging some things over others and of encouraging or discouraging certain kinds of living. So let's just note one 'different' sort of money. "According to a new analysis by The Economist magazine, the global stock is worth more than $700bn (£370bn), more than all the US dollar bills in circulation, and streets ahead of Britain's £42bn of notes and coins."
Do yourself a favour and find out more about the way money works. LETS is a good place to start. One the issues with the dominent forms of money we now have is that they are basically credit/debt-based. Banks create money out of our deposits and pull down payments on the the money so created through interest. In other words our money system mortgages our futures, if growth ceases to be part of the picture than widespread economic collapse is likely to result. This is one reason why peak oil is such an issue; our economic system is in effect built on the wealth of oil exploitation and when it starts to run out [ie soon]. I think Christians should be at the forefront of exploring alternatives. Like the church's role in the medieval period was to preserve knowledge against barbarism so it may be that we should be pioneering the future solutions to future crises ...
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Frequent flyer miles soar above sterling:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...