12 April 2005

Citizen Video Undoes RNC Protest Prosecutions

Police have video vans and now, thanks to mobile technologies, citizens have camara phones and handheld video cameras. "Citizen-made video is also undercutting police testimony about arrests. In Dennis Kyne's case, an officer testified in vivid detail that he kicked, squirmed and screamed, forcing four officers to restrain him. But the case was dropped when prosecutors were presented with a video by a documentary filmmaker showing Kyne descending the library steps on his own power, with the testifying officer no where in sight."
The disturbing thing is the readiness of prosecutors to edit video incriminatingly. The US ammendment about the right to bear arms would b better if it were changed to the right to bear a video camera...
WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Citizen Video Undoes RNC Protest Prosecutions:

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