12 April 2005

Liturgy Workshop result

On Holy Saturday I led a workshop for the Northumbria community to write a liturgy for their Easter Sunday gathering on Holy Island. Now that liturgy is online. It was quite an interesting process, quite typical in having a difficult bit in the middle where we found it hard to work out what the best way forward was. The result is good in that it is a good recycling of the Community's own liturgies and motifs wiht a little bit of, for them, catholic experimentation. The day itself was bitterly cold, which was a shame because it meant that the act of worship was less 'fun' than it could have been and a bit more arduous.

Foir me the interesting thing was the dialogue in the whole process between trying to do things differently and yet staying true to the community's tradition. I was quite surprised at how traditional it is in the sense of not easily being swayed from what has gone before. I fell that this can be good, but I wonder whether they shouldn't be considering their established membership less and thinking about the next generations more. Maybe I'm only saying that though because I feel that I can't quite 'buy into' some of the cultural expressions of the community itself?
Still the medium is the message, very often ...
Welcome to the home of the Northumbria Community online

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...