17 April 2005

Going Home - Our Reformation

I'm going to be thinking over this for a while to come. An article that imagines the way that social software can reconfigure our life-worlds. The comparison is to the Reformation -enabled by printing. Our reformation will be enabled by social software; most noticibly the blog. "We are going home again to the place where humans fit. Just as people at the end of the Middle Ages rediscovered the wisdom of the Classic world, so we are re-discovering the experience of tribal life. I don’t mean by this that we will have to take up hunting and live in caves. For we have made a Great Return before and we know how it will play out. Renaissance men did not put on togas. What they did was to remember the wisdom of the classic world that had been forgotten in a millennium dark age and applied this wisdom to the world of their time. So, we too will begin to experience a new way of living and of being and apply this experience to our own time and to our own challenges. "
I think I may find myself returning to this one.
Robert Paterson's Weblog: Going Home - Our Reformation:

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