17 May 2005

What would Jesus eat?

It's a good question and I'm wondering what answers the books referenced in this article give. It would seem to be Christianesed diet books. I'm all for healthier eating and if using first century mediterranean ideas based on what Jesus probably did normally eat, then I'm pleased. I used to work in a Wholefood shop and I believed in what I was doing -I'd do it again, happily.

However, since the question is 'what would Jesus eat?' I have to ask how far the books take in the 'weightier matters of justice and mercy'. Otherwise, simply aping the western fashion/diet meme is going to be like tithing our dill and cumin and leaving the weightier matters aside. So, I want to ask [if any readers have read the books]; do these books talk about the way food is distributed, about ecological footprints, animal welfare, fair trade and so on; you know, all the stuff that's about rich Christians in an age where hunger is present but preventable?
In other words, are these diets 'make poverty history' -friendly?
Christianity :: Americans seek bodily salvation through Jesus diet


Jem said...

I think more hummus and 5 fruits a day sounds perfect!

Like the Make Poverty History band-tag -- I want one!

Andii said...

Hi Jem let us know where you blog can be found! [or make you profile public] I think you can get the code for the band tag if you click on to the band and follow instructions, unless they've changed it.

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...