14 October 2005

Dark Underbelly of Technology

This looks like the first in a series about the deleterious effects of technology which takes a Christ-compatible view of the matter
Anything that diminishes the value of a single human being poses a threat to a rational, humane society. When technology can cure a disease or help you with your homework or bring a little joy to a shut-in, that's great. But when it costs you your job, or trashes the environment, or takes you out of the real world in favor of a virtual one, or drives your blood pressure through the roof, it's a monster.

[Remember, the Sabbath is made for humans not the other way round, a principle applicable to any human artefact whether cultural or material].
Tony Long lays out his aim thusly:
What I'll be doing in this column is asking you technophiles to downshift a bit, to relax. Who gives a damn if you're working on a Mac or a PC, really? It's just a bloody box.

Well, I'm a self-confessed technophile, part of being a neophile really, but as a result of always having lived a downshifted lifestye, I have a lot of expertise in assessing what is really needed and making do. Part of my motive for going into coaching would-be downshifters [and, yes, I am prepared to coach by IM and email! Have Paypal account, will go international]
Wired News: Dark Underbelly of Technology:On Del.icio.us: , , , , , , , , , coaching

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...