13 October 2005

Making a prayer cord

A useful site which, among other things, tells us how to make a rosary style cord using only knots. It's nice. My advice is to have a piece of string to practice and only try to understand the instructions when you have string in hand. It's useful to know also that clicking on the photos gets bigger ones ...

anamchara - Making 3


Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to the site Andii. AlsoI think the quality of the cord is important - it's easier to make and you end up with a beautiful prayer rope which is a joy to use or give away, so I think it's worth buying the cord from FNT Industries: http://www.anamchara.org.uk/page11/page11.html

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice, no doubt borne of research, about a good rope to use. I am only commending string as a practice medium: it's cheaper to make mistakes and it's to hand rather than waiting for delivery from the USA.

For other readers too, Andrew came up with another idea which he shared in an email;
"I meant to say that as my prayer cord has seven lots of three beads,
I've just realised that it can be used to pray the Lord's prayer as a
pattern taking one phrase and repeating it three times on a set of
three and then letting that lead you off into free prayer based on
that phrase. I've recently started suggesting people try it that way
Which sounds just in the realm of my book and the further developments at AbbeyNous ...

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...