23 February 2007

Incumbents paid ‘the equivalent of £36,000’

VICARAGES and rectories are now valued as worth £16,420 a year to the parish clergy and their families. The average incumbent’s stipend, including the house, is judged to be the equivalent of earning more than £36,000 in secular employment.
. It kind of works, though we should recall that clergy don't get to keep their house after retirement, so taking that into account I would say that the house should equate to about a third of the package of £36k. I reckon that this means that a house for duty is worth about two days work ... not that we can think about stipends in those kind of terms. Dear me, no. And yet ... with part-time options looking increasingly important as part of a ministry strategy ... someone's going to have to think in those terms. I hear rumours that the bishops have a rule of thumb about such things. If any reader knows more, I'd be interested to hear it.

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