11 June 2007

Children exploited in Olympics goods factories

I suspect that this could become the symbolic heart of campaigning for workers' rights in the 'outsource destinations' of our global economy. "Research inside China found widespread abuse of workers producing licensed goods carrying the logo of the 2008 Beijing games. Mr Barber said: 'Children and adult workers are being grossly exploited so that unscrupulous employers can make more profit. Their actions tarnish the Olympic ideal, and we don't want more of the same when the Olympics come to London. The IOC must add respect for workers' rights to the Olympic charter."
More info as I find it.
Children exploited in Olympics goods factories, says TUC | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...