21 October 2007

Myths about Christianity

Matt Stone comes up with a list of myths -or rather- overgeneralisations about Christian faith. Here are a couple of my favourites. "Christian theology is responsible for the environmental crisis (so, I suppose Hindu, Buddhist and Atheist countries are green paradises then?)
& Christianity demands you have blind faith (no, many Christians prefer a more informed faith actually)"
Matt invites further offerings, here's one of mine: "Christians are killjoys".
Actually Christian faith is rather open the the goodness of the material world, though concern for the effects of misusing God's gifts and enculturation into a neo-platonic medieval culture has often spilled over into a rather dour expressions of faith. Or something...
Anyway go and see Matt's full list and see what you can come up with to add to it.
Journeys In Between: Myths about Christianity:

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