21 October 2007

why baptise infants?

Doug has stated very nicely one of the ad hominem arguments I favour for the propriety of baptising the infants of believers, and so I quote it here so you can enjoy it's pithiness. "There are a great many arguments that have roiled over the font about the baptism of children. One of the lesser used arguments in favour, but which I regard as one of the more significant, is that Christian parents would from the first share with their child their relationship with God, and central to that is the expression of that relationship in prayer. But the means and mode by which we relate to God, and address him as Abba, our Father, is the gift of the Spirit. Yes, prayer is also a human activity, but it is first a divine relationship into which we are invited and initiated. Baptism as the effectual sign of the Spirit’s gift should be administered to anyone who will be brought up to pray. "
The problems of baptism (art. XXVII) � Metacatholic:

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