07 September 2010

Qur’an burning: “an unnecessary, offensive and dangerous gesture”

On this I definitely agree with Patrick Sookhdeo:
"...the biblical and Christ-like way to [protest Muslim injustices] is by speaking the truth in the power of God’s love, and by extending that love to Muslim people even when they are hostile to us. In that context it can never be justified to destroy a book that Muslims regard as sacred, however firmly and profoundly we may disagree with its contents. The effect of the proposed action on Christians in Muslim-majority contexts is likely to be extremely serious. Already Muslim militants in Indonesia have promised to kill Indonesian Christians if Qur’ans are burned in Florida, and the history of anti-Christian violence in the country suggests that this is not an idle threat. Barnabas partners in Iraq have expressed concern at the probable Muslim backlash against an already beleaguered Iraqi Church. And Christians in numerous other places who live in daily fear of potentially deadly attacks will at once be placed in much greater danger. It cannot be right to exercise our freedom to protest in a way that puts at risk the lives of our brothers and sisters, for whom Christ died."
See here for the whole open letter to Dove World Outreach Centre and its supporters. Hope and aid for the Persecuted Church | Persecuted Christians : Qur’an burning: “an unnecessary, offensive and dangerous gesture”:

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