18 September 2011

chotomising in your head: starting to nam

Yeah, I just made up the word 'chotomising' (from 'dichotomy' -I didn't want to retain the idea of simply cutting into two; perhaps 'polychotomy' and a cognate verb might do the trick in some cases...). Any how, the main point is to highlight this research which shows that the already-established 'statistical learning' tool that we humans seem to have, is what enables the mental boundary-making which enables 'naming' to take place. See here:
Watching the world in motion, babies take a first step toward language:
"Although these babies were between just 7 and 9 months of age, they were already dividing the world into events" using the "tool" of statistical learning. "It is these events that will be named with words," she continues. "A few months later, when they can hook up words to the events they see, they will begin to use language."

This is something I'm now pondering in relation to my theology of culture work relating to the naming of the animals... obviously!

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