10 February 2004

Christian board games -the wrong theology...

A number of years ago a very dear parishioner who had recently become a Christian proposed making a board game based on Christian faith. The basic idea looked vey like the one referenced by the link for this entry. He asked some of us to look the game over. We duly did, and we were horrified: the basic idea was much like many a board game involving questions and answers and an element of competition to win. The difficulty was in the implicit theology which [like 'Glory!'] rewards right answers etc in order to avoid hell and go to Glory. In other words right answers gets you saved. Is this not salvation by works and not as a gift of God?

We put this to our friend and he saw the point [regretfully]. We tried to tweak the idea but without reaching a satisfactory solution. The best we could do was to suggest a game where it became after a while apparent that it was impossible to win by ones own effort -but we couldn't think of a good way to bestow unmerrited wins. Of course no-one would play the game more than once except as an instructional exercise.

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