12 April 2005

Republicans start campaign to keep Hillary out of the White House

Looks like the US Republicans believe that Hillary Clinton not only could get the Democrat nomination for the next presidential race, but that she could win the presidency. "the campaign 'is not merely a race for New York. It's a race for America. Stopping Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most important thing you and I can do as Republicans in the next two years.'" Whatever next -a black person in the Whitehouse: dream ticket a woman president and a balck vp ... and then the other way round. That said; gender is not a good predictor of agreeability; witness Margaret Thatcher.
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Republicans start campaign to keep Hillary out of the White House:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...