13 September 2007

Is feminism back from its holidays yet?

This article seems to me to put its finger on some important issues. Especially as I live some of the time in Newcastle, the party city, where the sight of assertive laddettes done up in attire suitable for some raunchy club is common at certain times of the evening and early morning. "It is no wonder a lot of men now genuinely believe that women want to be treated as sex objects. Who could blame them when so many of us have internalised an exhibitionistic ideal of our own objectification? You could argue, I suppose, that women who put headless photos of their naked torsos on to the internet are still suffering the legacy of millennia of male sexual oppression. But there must come a point where it is simply implausible to keep blaming men. 'The beauty industry is a monster, selling unattainable dreams. It lies, it cheats, it exploits women.' .... Postfeminists in the 90s assured women they could safely re-embrace their 'femininity' without sacrificing equality or credibility. And so manicures, and Brazilian bikini waxes and pole-dancing classes were all reintroduced under the guise of harmless girly 'fun'. Barely 10 years later, we look in the mirror and mistake ourselves for sex workers."

Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | No wonder men treat us as sex objects if we act like this:

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